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Does Social Media Influence The Consumer Buying Behaviour ?

“Social media puts the public into PR and the market into marketing.”- Chris Brogan.


In recent years social media has become an unimpaired part of daily life. According to the researchers, over 58 percent of the Indian population have access to social media networks in 2022, and it is expected to reach 67 percent by 2025. Especially during the pandemic, the number of social media users has increased by 8 percent due to an increase in remote work & social distancing. Social media is not only acting as a communication tool but also as an information-sharing medium. Many consumers have been banking on the recommendations and reviews on social media before their product purchases to narrow down their choices.


There are several purchase triggers that those big-budget television ads can’t deliver, but social media can do it for free.


  • As different social media networks have become a part of daily routines like brushing teeth, businesses are trying to use the space to deliver a smooth purchase experience in a couple of clicks. This concept of discovering and buying together helps businesses to turn a casual scroller into a potential customer.
  • As word-of-mouth is the earliest and most trusted mode that influences the buying decision, businesses use social media reviews as social proof to grow the audience base and build a reputation.
  • As modern-day consumers expect that the brands will interact with them meaningfully, businesses have started responding to some selective posts from the audience Q&As. This creates a social presence and adds an extra dimension to the business-customer relationship.
  • Previously, customer service had various modes like call, email, or visit in person. Nowadays, businesses have switched to social media for customer service purposes to reduce the reach-out time and error-free solutions
  • Before, businesses used to promote their products through TV commercials, and the customer went out to buy the product from the market after a couple of weeks. Thanks to the lockdown, the customer base has shifted online. Social media has created easy access to product details and made shopping accessible to the audience after just a few clicks on the smartphone. It has shortened the process of the customer’s buying journey.


Compelling content, visuals, promotions, influencers, and customer service add multi-dimensions to various businesses on social media. If any business misses out on its social media presence, it’s missing an opportunity to influence a larger audience.


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